Internet Girl
Internet Girl releases a new 6 song EP, Role Model.

Internet Girl Released a New Ep This Week—Have You Heard It?

Get ready to dive into Internet Girl’s world, where the grit of punk meets the pulse of rap. It’s loud, bold, and impossible to ignore.

Internet Girl reinvented punk aesthetic when they launched their latest EP this week ‘Role Model’, featuring six new tracks and a short film to boot.

Watch the short film, featuring snippets of the new tracks here…

This anti-boy band, comprising Ntsika Bungane, Matthew Burgess, and James Smith, has been making waves since their formation in 2019 and with the release of their new EP, everyone’s paying attention. This week, they were named the next recipient of Apple Music’s Up Next program for June—a recognition that comes as no surprise.

To get an idea of what to expect from the new songs, just look at the EP’s cover shot. It’s harsh, but you can’t look away either. We haven’t seen such shock value since Die Antwoord broke onto the scene. 


It’s not just their visual aesthetic that is crass and confrontational but the songwriting too. With scratchy loud guitar riffs, the EP tells the story of an anti-hero surviving the gritty underbelly of Cape Town nightlife. The opening track, “Cokehead,” kicks off the EP with intense drum beats and surprising sound elements that will grab your attention.

“Every Man For Himself,” featuring re6ce, highlights their international appeal with this song in anthem mode. Positioned in the middle of the EP, “Kids,” a pre-released track with an electro flavour and blurry vocals has a memorable hook. 

In an interview with Apple Music this week, the band said, “It’s been a crazy year so far, seeing some dreams come to fruition—now this is pretty cool. But we’re greedy; we want more! This is just the beginning for Internet Girl.” So, there you have it. Watch this space.

Listen on Apple Music or check out their Instagram for more.