I had the pleasure of attending an intimate R&B show curated by Starlight Sessions. One of the performers was none other Tasha Stones. Armed with her guitar, she delivered a heartfelt performance and her performance lit up the show. Following her performance we chatted and agreed that we should amplify her story on the largest platform for professional creatives, 10and5.

Tell me about your earliest memory of music?
I cannot really pinpoint my first childhood memory of music. I have always been into music; I have always been close to music. Artists from a broad spectrum of genres have influenced me, and it’s part of the reason why I find it difficult to categorise myself as an artist. From my influences, I have created a unique blend of all of the artists who influenced me.
How would you describe your sound?
As I said before, I find it difficult to describe my sound, so I can imagine how difficult it would be for other people to describe my sound. It took a long time for me to be comfortable with the fact that my music is genre ambiguous. I guess you could somehow consider me to be a late bloomer because it took so long for me to feel comfortable in my own skin as an artist.
What message do you want to convey in your music?
For me, creating music is therapeutic. No matter what is going on in my life, my music has been the one constant in my life. Music allows me to get my feelings out. I hope that my music can do the same for others. As I said before, I am a late bloomer; I hope that my music will allow people to be themselves.
What is your creative process?
When I create music, I am not conscious of how therapeutic it is for me. I create freely as opposed to a structured approach to music. I don’t go into my creative process with a particular topic in mind. It’s only when I go back and listen to my songs that I realise I was talking about a particular event in my life.
If you had the opportunity to talk to yourself in the future self, what would you say?
I am not sure what I would ask myself but I hope the conversation is about the positive aspects of my life. I hope that no matter what is going on in my life at that time, I am still creating music because that is the one anchor in my life.