September has been a lucky month for all local music lovers as it has gifted us with some of the best music the local scene has to offer. An artist to look out for, YUM YUCK, has released their new project titled LACE. We caught up with YUM YUCK to get the scoop on what inspired the EP and how the visuals have played quite a large role. Read more + our review below:
Who or what inspired the EP?
The EP was inspired by connections. I played around with the interconnectedness of things, people, places ,memories and relationships but also took a view of no matter how interconnected things are or feel that the connections themselves can be fragile and laddered through the passing of time or movement of place.This idea of these complex yet also potentially fragile connections inspired the title of the EP LACE
Who designed the cover?
The LACE EP Cover Photograph and text was designed by Lauren Waller but all three of the single artworks leading up the EP release were designed by UK Based Illustrator Rob Davies.
What’s the meaning/inspiration behind the dreamy almost ethereal visuals?
I’ve always tried to incorporate dreamy and ethereal visuals into Yum Yuck.It’s been a bit of the mission to create a visual world that leans into how the music feels. That this music like a magic eye poster tends to unravel more of itself the more you stare into it. It’s not an emulation of reality but thoughts and imaginings coloured by mood and tone, in the artwork and the music I try and conjure up feelings as opposed to speaking of or showing things explicitly.
Where was it shot and how did you pick the location?
The cover shot was taken in The Cederberg on my most recent birthday, it just so happened to be where we were staying for the weekend and the colours and panoramic feel of the sky up there is always something else.
Using 1 word, describe how LACE feels

The LACE EP is the perfect summers day companion. It is delightfully smooth with subtle hints of Fenne Lily, Gus Dapperton, Surfaces, and Dope Lemon.
Bet It All: if you’re someone that has fallen in love on a whim only for it to not work out the way you’d hoped, Bet it All has the courage to say everything you wish you could. The upbeat tempo is enough to bring about the nostalgia of The Temper Tramp while giving you something to freely dance to
Selfish Lovers: Things don’t always end in sad ways but, the pain of such loss always lingers where the past feels rosy and gold. Selfish Lovers is delightfully smooth and subtle in its messaging
Le Stat: Yum Yuck perfectly captures the feelings of nostalgia and wanting what you can’t have in this one song. It feels like a collaboration between all the songs on the EP and their secret diary which we get to get a glimpse into.
During the Heatwave: brings about the summer nostalgia of riding through the city with the top down or braaing at a pool party with your friends.
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