Lauren Chegan

Lauren Chengan To Make Waves With FORT

Storyteller, Filmmaker and Director Lauren Chengan has joined FORT, the award-winning South African studio that focuses on everything film, commercials and digital content.

Chengan is part of a growing list of exciting women directors that continue to elevate filmmaking in South Africa and beyond.

At FORT she will have the opportunity to build on an already impressive resume which includes transformative work with some of the biggest brands both locally and abroad.

In celebration of her new venture, we look back at three of her most notable pieces of work thus far as explained through Lauren’s own words:

Game – Name Dropping

“Name dropping is only about 15 seconds of live action and in that short time it shows off a lot.”

“I feel like I was able to show off working with talented actors who were able to take a pretty basic script and turn it into something entertaining.”

“From an aesthetic point of view I think the ‘cinematic-ness’ of this simple one location set-up really shines in both cinematography and art direction.”

Telkom Business – Beat

“This ad show off both my technical and performance directing. I love the challenge of directing someone who is talking to camera throughout the ad, giving the audience a lot of information and then making it entertaining and fun.”

“This piece also shows off my visual directing abilities as this ad has many locations, but the camera moves fluidly and seamlessly transitions from one location to the next so that you don’t feel the cuts.”

Ford – Fordpass

“This piece may seem like a simple studio shoot however I really love the opening sequence. I worked with my DP and gaffer o get this awesome chase lighting effect over the Ford while the camera was moving, and it is a technical and visual sequence that I am super proud of directing, and would like it to show off that I can indeed shoot a car.”

“I also really love the performance direction between the lead character and the voice-over artist and their interaction also shows off my performance directing.”

You can view more of Lauren’s work on FORT’s newly launched website: