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10 AND 5 DAILY PICKS: Luke Ncube

At Between 10 and 5, we are on a constant scouting call for South Africa’s wide range of talented and diverse photographers. Bi-monthly we highlight our favs as Editors’ / Daily Picks. If you want to share your own work with us, you can learn more about becoming a member of our creative community.


#SwipeLeft to view Luke Ncube’s photographic work

Luke Ncube is a Johannesburg-based Photographer whose photography serves as a reminder of the significance of using these tools to document our daily lives, the beauty of our bodies, our innocent yet audacious aspirations, and our hopes and dreams for altering the world as it is today. According to Africa Is Now magazine Luke wasn’t always into Photography, though he had a strong interest in it, he reportedly thought the procedure was too pricey to be successful.