Amy Zama
We Chat with Amy Zama about Creativity, Style, and Unexpected Inspirations.

Fashioning Stories: Amy Zama on Creativity, Style, and Unexpected Inspirations

Fresh off the heels of her captivating campaign with BULLDOG Gin, Amy sat down with us to share her journey, from her mood-driven personal style to her unexpected sources of inspiration (which include her nightmares!). 

Meet Amy Zama: a force of nature in the fashion world and a storyteller whose narratives are stitched into the very fabric of her work. 

As one of South Africa’s most compelling fashion stylists and curators, Amy has shaped the style curatorship for Levi’s Haus of Strauss for Africa and fostered long-term collaborations with influential designers like Thebe Magugu, she also co-founded the cult brand Backyard. With a passion for giving garments life and a refreshing take on winter fashion that defies trends, Amy’s insights are as eclectic and vibrant as the outfits she curates. 

Join us for a delightful conversation with this dynamic creative as she opens up about her career, her inspirations, and her dreams – including the unlikely prospect of styling her own grandmother!

10and5: You’ve just finished working with BULLDOG Gin on their latest campaign, Bold Ones. Tell us what the experience was like and what you most enjoyed about working with the brand.
Amy: The way Bulldog gin went about highlighting each creatives’ journeys was beautiful to watch unfold. I enjoyed being able to open myself up and let people in on my personal creative journey whilst doing that with creatives that I truly respect. 

10and5: You’re involved in a few different campaigns and projects. Of all the things you work on, where does your true passion lie?
Amy: Storytelling through taking a garment and giving it life through character or the people that I dress. It’s been the main creative facet through all the projects I am involved in. 

10and5: How would you describe your own style?
Amy: Mood based – I never know what I’m wearing, I sort of just get dressed depending on how I feel. 

10and5: You’ve just worked with WW on StyledBySA. Can you share some upcoming fashion trends for this winter with us?
Amy: On the contrary – I don’t follow trends as an individual. I have seasons of loving and exploring different silhouettes. I can rather share that for every winter I have a winter silhouette that grows with every season and can be redefined into a classic for you. That was something I enjoyed doing with WW with their winter collection. 

Amy Zama

10and5: If you look back at your childhood, is there an experience that you would credit with shaping your career choices and success?
Amy: My mother allowing me to try every single sport and interests when I was young shaped my career choices in life. In a way also shaped how I view success – through trial and error, then nurturing what you’re good at into quality craft. 

10and5: What’s next for Amy Zama?
Amy: I’m in a place where I’m exploring new talents that I never knew I had and digging up old ones – so we will all see what that turns into and looks like, in the near future 

10and5: What’s the most unexpected place you’ve found fashion inspiration?
Amy: To be honest – my nightmares have produced some really great concepts 

10and5: What’s one piece of fashion advice you think everyone should follow?
Amy: Do what feels comfortable for you. However you love to dress, go for it. No one owns fashion. 

10and5: If you could style anyone in the world, who would it be and why?
Amy: I have such a long list of people I’ve wanted to style some I have had the opportunity to, but if I am being honest, right now my gran ( just because she won’t let me). 

10and5: Can you share a tip for making a budget-friendly outfit look high-end?
Amy: Editing is key. It allows you to play around more.

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