In a groundbreaking achievement for South African cinema, the action-packed thriller “Heart of the Hunter” has secured the title of the most-watched English-language movie on Netflix globally for the second consecutive time.
Released on Netflix on March 29, 2024, “Heart of the Hunter” has shattered records by claiming the top spot in English-language films on the Netflix Top 10 weekly rankings. The gripping thriller dominated the charts between March 25 – March 31 and April 1 – 7, marking a historic milestone for African cinema as the first African film to achieve this feat. Garnering an impressive total of 11 million views, “Heart of the Hunter” has captivated audiences in 75 countries worldwide, including the United States of America, Nigeria, France, Germany, South Korea, United Arab Emirates, Mexico, Hong Kong, and Kenya.

Directed by the acclaimed Mandlakayise Walter Dube, known for his SAFTA-winning work on “Silverton Siege,” the film is based on the novel of the same title by renowned author Deon Meyer. Drawing inspiration from Meyer’s compelling narrative and rich characters, “Heart of the Hunter” has received widespread acclaim for its thrilling storyline and powerful performances.

“African cinema has always had a voice; Netflix has handed us the loudhailer. ‘Heart of the Hunter’ being Number 1 globally means a lot for the emerging filmmaker to be inspired,” expresses Mandla Dube, the visionary director behind the film.
At the heart of the story is Zuko Khumalo, portrayed by the talented Bonko Khoza, a lethal assassin with a mysterious past who finds himself embroiled in one final mission that threatens to upend his seemingly ordinary life. As Zuko races against time to uncover crucial information that could alter the course of his country’s future, he must confront his own demons and navigate a treacherous world of deceit and danger.

“Heart of the Hunter” boasts an impressive cast and crew, including production company Scene 23, producers Cobus Van Den Berg, Tim Theron, Tracey Lange, and Jorrie Van Der Walt, along with executive producers Mandlakayise Walter Dube and Deon Meyer. With a screenplay penned by Meyer and Willem Grobler, the film has set a new standard for South African cinema on the global stage.
As “Heart of the Hunter” continues to captivate audiences worldwide, its success serves as a testament to the talent and creativity of South African filmmakers, solidifying its place in the annals of cinematic history.
Curious to know what it is about? Watch the trailer
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